After-School Program

Our After-School program is designed to provide an additional 20 hours a week of academic support for all of our students during those crucial hours after they leave the classroom. The typical schedule of the program is as follows (click to learn more about each part!):


3:00 - 5:00 pm: Student Advocacy Time 

5:00 - 5:30 pm: Nutritious Meal

5:30 - 6:45 pm: Enrichment Courses

7:00 pm: Shuttle ride home

Student Advocacy

The Student Advocacy aspect of our program starts long before students leave school. Our full-time Student Advocates visit their students in school, chat with teachers and principals, liaise with therapists, and communicate with parents. Keeping lines of communication open helps our Student Advocates better serve their 15 students in the After-School program. Immediately after school, students join their peers in homework time, reading, and extra one-on-one academic attention from their Student Advocate. 

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Nutritious Meal

We know how vital nutrition is to growing brains, so each evening, we provide a hot meal for students between their Student Advocacy time and their Enrichment Courses. Meal time is also a place where students truly feel part of our community. 


Enrichment Courses

Our Enrichment Courses are designed to give students the unique opportunity to explore their interests. Each course supports one of five categories--math, science, literacy, arts, or fitness--in order to reinforce our students' academic work in innovative ways. Students choose their own Enrichment courses, and attend each class once a week for an 8 week session. Many of our courses are shown below so you can learn more about each one!

Shuttle ride home

With our fleet of shuttle buses, we provide a safe ride home in the evening for all of our students. Dropping each student off in front of his or her home and making sure they get inside safely, our transportation system helps promote a sense of security for parents and students alike.